I nasal or lechon in Cebu is a roasted pig whose tastiness and crispy skin don't need sauce to perk up its herb-enhanced flavors. And Talisay is the capital of this favorite centerpiece of the Filipino fiesta table.
According to Nemenzo, " S a China daw, may nasunog na barn. A ll animals were able to escape except the pigs. The barn owner smelled something good from the ruins. H e then saw the pigs, roasted in the fire, with skins crisp and golden. When he tasted it, not only was it aromatic, it was also delicious. So when the barn owner wanted lechon", he built a small barn and set it on fire." The practice became too costly that eventually it came down to roasting pigs over an open fire. And with the many Chinese herbs and spices available to him, the barn owner found himself improving and enhancing his lechon". At yan ang isang sikreto ng Cebu lechon-apoy!" - Source: Reggie Aspiras, Philippine Daily Inquirer
T his online store can help every Filipino to quickly and easily buy the original taste of Talisay Lechon straight from Baguio delivered to your door steps. E ven Filipinos abroad or overseas can surprise their loved ones in the Philippines by buying them the Lechon of Talisay in special occasions like; C hristening, C hristmas, B irthdays, F iestas, G raduation, etc.
or a small budget that want to taste the delicious Talisay Lechon, we also offer in kilo basis.
f you are near or want to visit Bakawkan road, just drop by at house and will serve you fresh and clean Lechon that crunch into your mouth to its crispiness.
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F or a small budget that want to taste the delicious Talisay Lechon, we also offer in kilo basis. I f you are near or want to visit Bakawkan road, just drop by at C and Lechon house and will serve you fresh and clean Lechon that crunch into your mouth to its crispiness.